Episode 2 – The Soul’s Joy Lies In Doing

The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
Episode 2 - The Soul's Joy Lies In Doing

The latest episode was inspired by a quote from Percy Bysshe Shelley. He once said, “the soul’s joy lies in doing”. This, of course, can mean many things and in this episode, I elaborate what this means to me and the importance to find joy in what you do on a daily basis. The soul’s …

Episode 1 – Sunlight

The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
Episode 1 - Sunlight

Today’s episode is the start of The Random Commute Show. The pilot episode got some traction and reaction. I was pleased with the first results and it’s fun creating new episodes. In episode 1 I talk about sunlight and why it’s important to me to get enough sunlight.

Episode 0 – Procrastination Is Only The Beginning

The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
The Random Commute Show
Episode 0 - Procrastination Is Only The Beginning

“Episode 0 – Procrastination Is Only The Beginning” is the pilot episode of The Random Commute Show. In this episode, the general concept of the podcast is quickly introduced followed by a random topic. Episode 0 is about procrastination, why it’s not worth it and what to do to fight it.

Check it out and enjoy the show. More information can be found on the website therandomcommuteshow.com. I am also on twitter as @trcs_podcast and on Facebook as TheRandomCommuteShow.